Picnic House Rules and Regulations
1. Every picnicker is requested to observe cleanliness. Littering in the park is strictly prohibited. Garbage must be dumped in the nearby garbage containers. Failure to do so will be fined.
2. All vendors are requested to separate their garbage into paper, glass, plastic, and residual waste. At the end of the activity, the controller will look around and will check if the stalls are clean and free from any damage. Failure to comply with this requirement will not entitle the vendor to a refund of €25,-. Empty carton(s)/box(es), or the box(es) with unsold goods, damaged or used chair(s), table(s), or tent(s) which are not considered (picnic) normal garbage are not allowed to be dumped in the container(s). Violator(s) will be apprehended by the security and will be fined by the organizers amounting to €100,- per violation.
3. Selling of food, drinks, and other kinds of consumable and commercial goods, or any product or services except the non-income generating activity, is strictly prohibited in the park except on hired stall(s) provided by the organizers. Selling goods or food in their car or tent within the premises of the park will be asked to leave the whole event grounds. The organizers have the right to deny guests who are not following the rules and regulations to avoid further risks in jeopardizing the permit of this decade-old event.
4. All vendors selling cold & warm food must comply with the strict requirement set by the Voedsel en Waren Autoriteit signed by the vendor(s) & the picnic organizers.
5. Picnickers are not allowed to bring their own generator, due to safety and noise.
6. Guests/Picnickers are not allowed to hold their own stage events in the picnic area or anywhere within the event grounds. Violators will be escorted out by security personnel.
1. The “Security” is authorized to control and make interrogation(s) on all suspected person(s), material(s), or object(s) which can bring danger or prejudice public safety and public order during the picnic.
2. Political promotion in any kind or form is not allowed. Any deep violation which can bring a threat to security & safety in the picnic area can be endorsed to the police authority.
3. Picnickers are not allowed to park or set a tent or any object(s) in these indicated areas (s):
• Bazaar/Market (only behind)
• Stage
• Organizers station/ tent(s)
• And the “Palarong Filipino” ground near the stage.
4. Selling any kind of products is only allowed in our bazaar/market by officially registered vendors, outside this area, it is prohibited to sell any kind of products. KFFN will consider you a violator and will be escorted out from the event grounds.
5. Booth holders and picnicker(s) in the tent(s) are encouraged to bring their own authorized fire extinguisher(s).
6. Everybody in the picnic area should use the toilet(s). Violators will be escorted out of the event.
7. Everybody is requested to park only in their assigned parking lot(s). Otherwise, your car may be fined and confiscated by the local police authority.
8. Everybody should follow the instructions of the parking staff off and on the picnic field. Failure to do so will not be entitled to a refund of €25,- 9 (for vendors), and violating guests will be escorted out of the event.
9. Use of LPG gas is prohibited. Propane gas is allowed & advisable.
10. Barbecue on the grass is NOT ALLOWED. Violators will be given a proper course of action.
11. No alcohol & or liquor shall be sold anywhere on the picnic grounds.
12. Playing of music should be limited to its minimum especially when the program is going on.
13. It is not allowed to leave the barbecue coal on the grass and needs to be thrown in the provided bin.
14. To those bringing their pets, please make sure that they are on a leash while roaming on the event grounds. Please be responsible for your pets and clean up after them to avoid littering in the park.