Bahay Aurora is a children’s home in the Philippines
The Philippines is a beautiful country but suffers greatly under the contrast of wealth and poverty. The majority of the population live in poverty, the result of which being that 10% of the Philippine children are at the mercy of what a life on the street has to offer. They do not attend school and are forced to earn their own money just to stay alive. Many of them are homeless and sleep on the streets. They know nothing of the privileges of care and protection. Bahay Aurora is a children’s home located in Baras offering shelter to such children.
The KFFN supported a special project by donating a part of the income generated in the event of 2013.
This special project relates to a special girl named Flor. Flor has been living in Bahay Aurora since she was 4 years old. She is a challenged child and has the brain capacity of a 3 year old. Flor became 21 years old recently and there for it is time to move on and leave Bahay Aurora since all children are leaving when they grow up. Flor became one of the icons of Bahay Aurora and moving Flor out of Bahay Aurora would make her and Bahay Aurora residence very unhappy. First of all there are no institutions to accommodate people like Flor in the Philippines and living in the street would certainly lead to all kinds of abuse.
In order to create a situation that is good for all, Bahay Aurora decided to build a little house for Flor on the compound of Bahay Aurora.
With the support of each visitor of our Independence Day Picnic event in 2013, KFFN made a donation of € 3487 euro to support this special project for a special girl.
In December 2013, two board memebers of the KFFN went to the Philippines on a holiday. It was a perfect opportunity to make a personal visit to Bahay Aurora to meet the lovely kids, but also the personell of Bahay Aurora who truly has an inspiring dedication towards the homeless kids of Bahay Aurora.
To see the pictures and videos of this visit, please click on the above link `a visit to Bahay Aurora´
For more info on Bahay Aurora, please visit their website www.bahayaurora.nl